JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean has debuted its first trailer, as well as an official global release date of December 2021 on Netflix. Set in a world where a small number of individuals can wield powerful beings with a wide array of abilities known as Stands, Stone Ocean follows Jolyne Cujoh after she is sentenced to 15 years in a Florida prison after being involved in a car accident.
The daughter of Stardust Crusaders protagonist Jotaro Kujo, it's not long before she becomes mixed up in the final battle between the Joestar family and the legacy of their greatest nemesis, Dio Brando.
Just like her father, Jolyne also awakens her own Stand, Stone Free, and gains the ability to unravel her body into string and other close-range physical abilities similar to her father's Stand Star Platinum.
Animation studio David Production confirmed that Daisuke Ono will once again reprise his role as Jotaro, while the rest of the cast includes Ai Fairouz as Jolyne, Mutsumi Tamura as Ermes Costello, and Mariya Ise as Foo Fighters. Not to be confused by the long-running rock band fronted by that one guy who looks like the drummer from Nirvana.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Voice Cast
- Jolyne Cujoh -- Ai Fairouz
- Ermes Costello -- Mutsumi Tamura
- Foo Fighters -- Mariya Ise
- Emporio Alniño -- Atsumi Tanezaki
- Weather Report -- Yuichiro Umehara
- Narciso Anasui -- Daisuke Namikawa
- Jotaro Cujoh -- Daisuke Ono
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has been an anime fixture since the manga was adapted for television in 2012. Starting with the first series that covered the Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency arcs, the anime series then adapted Stardust Crusaders in 2014-15, Diamond Is Unbreakable in 2016, and Golden Wind in 2018-19.
Beyond the upcoming Stone Ocean anime series, there are still two major arcs of JoJo writer and illustrator Hirohiko Araki's saga left to cover, Steel Ball Run and JoJolion.