The ESA And IGDA Are Partnering To Support Indies At E3 2021

The Entertainment Software Association, the industry body responsible for making E3 happen, has announced a new partnership with the International Game Developers Association, which it hopes will increase the presence of indies at E3. The partnership will begin with E3 2021, which is due to run entirely online from June 12 to June 15, but the intention is for it to continue and grow with subsequent years' events.

"We are reimagining E3 in a variety of ways, and part of that is engaging with indie developers by offering opportunities to help highlight them and their work on a global stage," said ESA CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis. "Indie developers are a critical part of the video game industry, and we're thrilled to expand our offerings to create opportunities to showcase their work worldwide."

The partnership will help IGDA members to get their work seen on one of the biggest stages in the industry, with membership to the nonprofit open to anyone making games on any scale. IGDA members will be offered "special packages and opportunities to be included in E3 2021," though neither organization has yet specified what these opportunities may involve. In the past, indies have mainly been shown at E3 as part of showcases by larger publishers such as Microsoft or Sony.

With E3 2021 taking place entirely online, the bulk of the event will consist of a livestream including the usual press conferences, game reveals and announcements, and special guests. E3 has also announced that it will host a special portal and supporting app that will allow developers to showcase their games virtually. The online format has the potential to make showing a game at E3 more accessible for indie devs around the world, without the need for expensive travel and booth setups.

E3 will run entirely online this year from Saturday, June 12 to Tuesday, June 15. Here's everything you need to know if you want to follow along.

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