Destiny 2 PSA: Save Your Iron Banner Bounties, They're Currently Bugged

Destiny 2's first Iron Banner event of the Season of the Splicer is here, adding four new weapons to the game's loot pool. But while you can earn those guns in specific ways, two of them are currently not dropping properly when you complete Iron Banner bounties or spend Iron Banner tokens. If you're looking to pick up either Riiswalker or Archon's Thunder, hold onto your stuff for a bit.

Bungie tweeted about the issue soon after the start of the new Iron Banner event on Tuesday, May 18, and soon after that released an in-game warning to keep players from spending their tokens or turning in their bounties. The developer hasn't released any information on when players can expect a fix.

Riiswalker, a shotgun, and machine gun Archon's Thunder are two guns that are new to Destiny 2 and the Iron Banner with the Season of the Splicer. You can earn both from the Iron-Handed Diplomacy quest that runs throughout the season, but you should also be able to earn additional copies of the guns, complete with different perks and stats, by just playing Iron Banner matches, spending tokens with Iron Banner vendor Lord Saladin, and completing Iron Banner bounties. Currently, none of those sources are providing the guns, so you won't receive all possible rewards if you turn in those bounties or spend tokens before the situation is corrected.

You can still earn two additional guns that Season of the Splicer has added to the loot pool: Finite Impactor and Occluded Finality. These two, a hand cannon and sniper rifle, respectively, and were released with the Warmind expansion in Destiny 2's first year, but they've been out of the game for quite a while.

So you can still nab lots of copies of those two guns by playing Iron Banner matches. If you want everything that's coming to you, though, wait on spending your tokens and turning in your bounties until Bungie has this issue under control.

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