Apex Legends Dev Forecasts A Content Dry-Spell For Next Month

Apex Legends is well into its ninth season, which introduced a new Arena mode to developer Respawn Entertainment's battle royale. Outside of that, the season has been somewhat thinner on content, and that current drought will continue until the end of June according to Respawn's head of communications, Ryan Rigney.

"The next month for Apex is gonna be a bit of a dry spell content release-wise," Rigney tweeted. “But when 9.1 drops at the end of June… gonna be some good stuff to chew on."

One of the big requests so far from fans is for a ranked playlist to be added to Arenas, something which Respawn said would be added in an upcoming update. Players who are still invested in the 3v3 action of Arenas can take part in the latest Flash Event that runs until June 1, and stand a chance to earn various prizes such as various skins.

This event comes hot on the heels of a Wattson update that fixed her buggy fences, a higher rate of backpack drops, and a new penalty system for players who abandon an Arenas game during the middle of a match. Just don't expect skins to get any cheaper in the games, as Respawn recently mentioned in a Reddit AMA that pricing is a bit of a "tricky" element to manage.

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