Outriders Devs Want To Reverse Inventory Wipes For Affected Players

Outriders encountered server issues in its first few days online, but another issue--inventory wipes--has been affecting some players, causing them to lose the gear they worked so hard to get. The development team is working to prevent this from happening and is also looking to restore the inventories for anyone who experienced a wipe.

In a series of posts on Twitter, the Outriders team said it had taken "additional preventative measures" on its servers to prevent future inventory wipes and that it's seeing it happen less frequently. It also recommended force-closing your game and restarting it if you see something is missing, and said it's looking to restore gear for anyone who lost it.

A Reddit thread provides more-detailed information on how gear will be restored. It will take place as a massive one-off restoration at a to-be-determined date, with valuable Epic and Legendary gear getting restored. Any gear you lost that was in a lower tier will probably not be restored, and the items might have slightly different stats.

"While we are trying our hardest to make things right, we unfortunately cannot make guarantees for the specifics of the above or the timeline of this, as we may run into technical difficulties that delay our work," the development team added.

These setbacks certainly have, at times, limited players' ability to enjoy the game, but Outriders has thus far received a positive response for its mix of looting and shooting that seems to understand what makes that formula successful. In GameSpot's Outriders review, Phil Hornshaw praised its use of cover-shooting and fantasy-style powers along with its endgame activities.

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