Marvelous has announced an upcoming live stream for Grasshopper Manufacture’s No More Heroes 3. Dubbed “No More Broadcasting 5.1 GHm”, it will take place on April 8th at 5 AM PST. It will premier on YouTube (via the link below) along with Twitter.
The broadcast will feature director Goichi Suda and radio personality Mafia Kajita along with Shishiro Botan from Hololive as a guest. Along with looking back on the series, there will be new details on the development of No More Heroes 3. Perhaps some new gameplay footage will be showcased as well.
No More Heroes 3 releases on August 27th for Nintendo Switch worldwide. It sees an alien FU arriving on (or rather, returning to) Earth to take it over, utilizing the tenets of “superheroism” to do so. Travis Touchdown returns to Santa Destroy following the events of Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes and decides to battle FU and his cronies to save the world. Stay tuned for more details on the title later this week.
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