The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, the second MCU TV show, has arrived on Disney+, just two weeks after the finale of WandaVision. And with promotional efforts for the upcoming Loki show already rolling, it's clear that the Marvel Cinematic Universe train will slow for no one, even after it is unceremoniously stopped for a year by a pandemic. Though the tone and style of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes' thriller-flavored show is much different than the sitcom fantasy of Wanda and Vision, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is already rolling out some major shake-ups to the MCU status quo. So, with that in mind, let's take a look at Episode 1 and break down the biggest moments. It's never too early to start those theory engines racing.
This week was all about establishing exactly what Sam and Bucky have been up to since Avengers: Endgame. It probably won't surprise you to learn that neither of them has been having an especially great time.
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