Monster Hunter Rise Demo – Long Sword Was the Most Popular Weapon

Monster Hunter Rise

Capcom’s demo for Monster Hunter Rise has come and gone, being available until February 1st and offering players a few hunts to try out. It also allowed players to test each of the 14 different weapon types, and get a feel for how the new Wirebug moves worked. In a recent tweet, however, the developer revealed the three most popular weapon types with the Long Sword dominating at the top.

About 19.1 percent of demo players went with the Long Sword while 9.7 percent chose the Great Sword. The Hunting Horn, surprisingly enough, came in at third with 9.6 percent of players trying it out. The Long Sword’s presence isn’t surprising – it was one of the most popular weapon choices in Monster Hunter World as well. The Great Sword as well serves as a nice way to dish out tons of damage and the mobility options further enhance its playstyle.

It’s the Hunting Horn that stands, especially since it’s one of the most under-utilized weapons in World. Perhaps the quality of life changes helped to boost it or maybe more players were willing to give it a chance. We’ll see how it fares in the full game.

Monster Hunter Rise is currently slated to release on March 26th for Nintendo Switch. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

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