At one point in time, Deathloop was meant to launch alongside the PS5, but ultimately, the time was not right (no pun intended) and the game instead was pushed to May. The game is one of the most unique looking titles we’ve seen in a long time, with a neat twist in the time loop concept that’s become popular, but also its very distinct look. The setting takes inspiration from ’60s fashions and looks, and today we got a gift from the game’s Art Director.
Sébastien Mitton, who will serve as the Art Director on the title, shared a few images. They aren’t screenshots from the game, or not exactly, but instead some in-game painting that you will see as you play. He added a note to the pictures, explaining that he wanted to share them to sort of help give you an idea of the vibe they are trying to create with the world of Deathloop as well as the many inspirations they have drown out.
“Creating an immersive in-game world is extremely challenging and motivating. For Deathloop, we drew inspiration from books, movies, music, and real-world places to create Blackreef Island.
Key inspiration came from the Faroe Islands, which have a very wild and mysterious atmosphere (just Google it, you’ll understand) and The Thing (Carpenter, 1982), as we love the cold, isolated and intimate atmosphere of this masterpiece.
In Blackreef you will also find a mix of warm 60s vibes, technology, madness, possibilities, and fun. We can’t wait to show you!
Thank you so much for your support – We know how much the community enjoys the art featured in our games, and our dedicated art team is happy to continue the tradition.”
Deathloop is set to release May 21st for PlayStation 5 and PC. Despite the upcoming acquisition of Bethesda by Microsoft, the game is still set to be console exclusive to Sony’s platform for 1 year.

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