Microsoft Flight Simulator – Xbox One Release Still Hasn’t Been Ruled Out

microsoft flight simulator

Microsoft Flight Simulator launched last year on PC to widespread acclaim, and wasn’t only a technical showcase, but was also one of the best games of the year. The game will also be coming to Xbox Series X/S soon, but since its console announcement, there have been a few who have wondered whether an Xbox One version might also launch down the line.

According to head of Microsoft Flight Simulator Jorg Neumann, that’s not completely unfeasible. Speaking with Eurogamer, Neumann acknowledged that getting the game running on an Xbox One would be a challenge. That said, he went on to add that though the focus for now is on getting the game out for Xbox Series X/S, an Xbox One version isn’t something Microsoft have completely ruled out just yet.

“I guess it’s a timing thing,” he said. “Obviously memory matters. Certainly on Ultra settings, you need a big PC – well, that’s a lot, lot more memory than what you had on an Xbox One. So it’s a journey, like most things, you know – let’s get the Xbox Series X and S versions done, and then we’ll look ahead after that. We never close doors, and there are other options, though it’s a little bit too early to talk about it.”

Given how technically impressive – and, in turn, demanding – the game is, one has to wonder whether an Xbox One version of the game would even be possible, or if it’s possible, whether it would be a good idea to release a game that will likely make major sacrifices in the technical department. Of course, that’s a hypothetical question as things stand, but it’s still interesting to see that Microsoft haven’t completely shut the door there.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently available on PC, and will be releasing for Xbox Series X/S this Summer.

In our Microsoft Flight Simulator, we called it “a spectacular game which manages to nail the simulation mechanics with mind-blowing visuals”, awarding it a score of 9/10. You can read our full review through here.

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