Dream Star Wars Games We Want And Who Should Make Them

With Lucasfilm's announcement that all video games based on its properties will now live under the “Lucasfilm Games” umbrella, it appears that a new age is about to begin for the company's video games ambitions. We already got a glimpse of what this new strategy is with the reveal of a new Indiana Jones game by Bethesda's studio MachineGames. And more recently, Ubisoft confirmed that it's making an open-world Star Wars game, which is all the more surprising, given Star Wars titles have been predominantly developed by Lucasfilm's longtime video game collaborator Electronic Arts for the last few years.

With Star Wars and other Lucasfilm properties handed off to competing publishers and developers, it seems like EA will no longer have exclusive rights to the property's gaming-related projects. A shift in strategy like this now makes it open season for just about any notable developer in the industry to work with Lucasfilm properties. All this echoes how Marvel's games division approached making games based on its IP, where there was a greater emphasis on matching the right developer with the right property instead of handing off the entire catalog to one company.

Naturally, all of this got us thinking about Star Wars games that we've always dreamed of being made. And because of Lucasfilm's new strategy, any developer can now potentially helm projects based on any Star Wars or Lucasfilm-related property, so this has our imaginations running wilder than ever before. Below, you can read about our dream Star Wars games and who want to make them.

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