Watch A PS5 Get Destroyed In A Grinder

The PlayStation 5 has finally arrived, ushering in the next generation of gaming from Sony. The console is selling very well, and stock has sold through at most retailers. As such, this video we're about to share might be difficult to watch for those who remain in the hunt for a next-gen system.

Someone has acquired a PS5 only to place it into one of those machines that destroys everything. It is a terrifying video, with the cracking and crunching sounds standing out as particularly painful to hear as the console gets literally shred to pieces. Have a look:

Sony has promised that more PS5 units will be available for purchase later this year, so if you've been shut out thus far, there is still hope. You can follow GameSpot's PS5 ordering page to stay up to date on how to get a console for yourself when they become available.

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