Given the fact that Square Enix are remaking Final Fantasy 7 across multiple full-fledged games, anticipation for the second instalment was always going to be high, but considering how Final Fantasy 7 Remake ended, that anticipation is higher than most would have imagined. The sequel entered development not long after the first instalment released, and it seems that development is progressing well.
Asuka Yoshikawa, who is the motion capture actor for Aerith, recently took to Twitter and revealed that she was recently in a recording session with the actor of Sephiroth that lasted four hours, and that more mocap work is imminent as well. Though Square Enix have yet to officially unveil the sequel, it seems development seems to be coming along at a nice pace.
There’s little known yet about what sort of a structure Square Enix are going to follow with future instalments in the remake saga, and how many total instalments we can expect, but the developers have said that those details will likely be shared when Part 2 (or whatever it ends up being called) is announced.
Earlier this year, producer Yoshinori Kitase said that the sequel’s development had taken a bit of a hit due to COVID-19 restrictions, but that that wouldn’t have much of a long-term impact. Read more on that through here.
— 𠮷川亜州香 (@asukayoshikawa) December 24, 2020
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