Of the three platform holders, Sony is the one who went the hardest into the emerging VR space with their PSVR headset. Ultimately, it was impressive for what it was, but just like the tech itself, it seems the world isn’t quite there just yet. Though titles are still supporting the headset (Hitman 3, for instance), Sony has been quiet about what the future holds for VR. While we don’t have anything right now, some digging around could have unearthed something potentially interesting.
As reported by Twitter user Lumen, apparently there has been code found in the PS Remote play app that suggests some kind of remote play between the PS5 and the PSVR 2 (or whatever it’ll be called). The phrase “Can’t use a microphone with Remote Play when the VR headset is turned on” was discovered. As he also explains, this would really only make sense for the future headset since the current PSVR is wired and the PS5 will have Wi-Fi 6 capabilities for smoother connection. Of course, take this with a grain of salt considering this could be leftover code or be referring to something else entirely.
Sony hasn’t said much about their next step in the VR scape, only that they want to make advancements. VR still remains a relatively niche tech, and it’s still not quite clear if it’ll have a significant future in gaming or not, even as the likes of Facebook and Steam has tried pushing it with varying degrees of success. At the very least, I imagine it’s likely Sony will attempt to go wireless, which will be interesting to see.
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